Wednesday, 5 December 2018

That sinking feeling - Fallout 76 and Cruel Seas ramblings

Loads of real world "stuff" has kept my gaming limited, plus Fallout 76.

For those of you who may be interested F76 is the latest pc (and console) game set in the Fallout \ Post Apocalyptic world. Unlike the previous versions it is multi player, which is certainly different. It is also bugged to hell and on balance should never have been released in the state it is in - but it is clear the "suits and accountants" have rushed it out. The reception has been hostile and the reviews brutal, and mostly justified. The problem is, behind all the damned stupid bugs, disconnections, stability issues and plain screw ups there is a rather good game lurking underneath. I have been playing it quite a bit. It will be interesting to see how it develops, or if , as some suggest, it is fatally holed beneath the waterline.

Which smoothly segues into Cruel Seas, which should be out in a few days time. CS is Warlord Games' foray into WW2 Coastal \ Fast Attack. Still not a lot known about it, other than it is John Stallard's (who owned Warlord) pet project. Warlord are throwing the kitchen sink at this. The first two plastic frames have been given away free on the front of Decembers Wargames Illustrated, and another two in January's issue. As I mentioned before, they're in 1:300, which is a bold choice. Initially I was a bit sceptical as this is a big scale, but having painted one of the boats I can see the appeal. One other (I assumed) unplanned side effect is this game isn't going to suffer size creep - anything larger than a gunboat or corvette will be too big to put on a table. Warlord are not trying to tie ground scale (sea scale?) into the models or weapons ranges - pretty much like Bolt Action this is TLAR (That Looks About Right) so we will have MTBs moving further than some of their guns can shoot - which is a bit strange. I do have some misgivings about the rules, but it is a bit difficult to articulate - there seems to be a lot of dice rolling - in fact it seems very "traditional" - in fact that is the term that has been used several times when in discussion with people who have played. That may not be a bad thing, but we will know at the weekend when they hit the shelves - assuming there are no last  minute delays - something Warlord seem prone to at the moment. The ranges thing may not really be that much of an issue - you can justify it by saying it is all happening at night - as no MTB or S-Boat would be running around in daylight unless something very strange was happening.

Anyway, here is the first MTB painted - a Vosper, and I think it's a 72 footer but more knowledgeable heads may correct me. I do think it looks rather nice - even accepting the massively overscale mast 

Meanwhile I have ordered a couple of models from Heroics and Ros who also do a small 1:300 range of Coastal Warfare stuff, so I can compare the two.

Anyway, enough for now - hope to have something more informed on CS at the weekend. Cheers

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