Thursday 26 March 2020

Close your ears - Blood Red Skies Tactical Tips

Episode 28 - Tactics 101

I don't usually NOT recommend something to the readers, or indeed visitors to The Blood Red Skies Ready Room, but on this occasion could I say to any of my opponents, please do NOT listen to the latest episode of the Lead Pursuit Podcast, particularly the section on tactics where Doug annoyingly explains how not to get shot down:  link here -

The Dicta Doug has some great points.
1. Situational Awareness - aka READ THE SCENARIO!
2. Use your "F Suit" - an F Suit is like a G suit that prevents a rush of sh!t to the brain to stop you trying to get to a position to take a risky shot that leaves you in a vulnerable position.
3. Table edges are your friend as you don't need to worry about enemies that way.
4. Avoid head on attacks unless you want to get shot back in the face.
5. Wingmen are a thing - learn to use them (my no 1 tbh),
6. Outmanoeuvre doesn't just cause a loss of advantage, it causes a loss of initiative.     

What did I miss?

So, just to repeat, DO NOT LISTEN TO LEAD PURSUIT - got that?

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