Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Battleground Stockton Gaming Show - and More Local Heroes

Last year I posted about meeting Andy Callan at our local wargames show (Battleground) and how, indirectly he was probably responsible for me staying in "the hobby" in my youth. Side note. Battleground is a bit strange as a show because it is free to enter and attracts a lot of families. Sure there are the usual crop of crusty sandal wearing wargamers, but also some really interesting talks and of course, the infamous "Cake Wars" game, where you get to eat what you kill :-). 

I was doing a demo session for Blood Red Skies and found three of my four sessions were Dads and Sons - the kids always won :-)

A year on and it happened again (no not Andy Callan) but someone else who had a big impact on my hobby was at Battleground this year, Mr David Clement. 

Actually it only really dawned on me when chatting to him why this was. 

Back in the early 80s when I was just a neophyte gamer things were very different. We had no internet, and indeed no dedicated magazines - wargaming was an adjunct to modelling and appeared on and off in magazines such as Airfix and Military Modelling. There were no retail stores, GW was embryonic. The only way to learn about new games and models was therefore in the irregular articles in magazines or at locally organised shows, and there were several in the local area, but the first I remember attending, and most easily accessible to me as a youth relying on public transport was "Models, Wargames and Board games" in Stockton, and David was one of the two organisers along with his friend Tom Davidson. 

The show was held in a rather small hall venue (Corporation Hall - now demolished). 

I remember the first time I attended - you had to go down a few steps to the hall floor and there, crowded in, were what I thought were dozens of trade stands and games. Actually I suspect there were rather less than a dozen, and like the magazines we read, the show was part modelling and part wargaming, but I was hooked. Here was a window into new games, new products, new ideas.

I pinched this pic from a Facebook post David made

David and Tom continued to organise local shows for over a decade, and without them, the current Battleground show, the spiritual if not actual successor probably would not have existed.  The current show is organised by the fine chaps at Pendraken Miniatures btw - and what a good job they do.

So having the chance to sit down and chat with David at Battleground was quite interesting. We chatted about the old show, Blood Red Skies, model ships and "stuff" and on reflection I realised that David and Tom's work in organising their little show was another big influence on my gaming habits.

David - he beat me too :-)

Tom has passed away, and I think David would not mind me saying his health is now not great, but he says he still enjoys his games and is looking forward to playing some more BRS. 

Battleground Stockton is a great show well worth a visit for hobbyists, families or just the curious. Give it a try next year!


Friday, 17 November 2023

"Azul" Squadron for Blood Red Skies - part 2 - Nobody Expects ......................

Making it happen

Err did I mention no one did a G6? PlanePrinter does a G14 as an .stl file, and Warlord do a physical model. To most laymen, like myself, the main visual difference between a G6 and G14 is the revised canopy. PlanePrinter also do a 109F4 with the old style canopy, so I reached out to Roger Gerrish who likes to dabble in this sort of thing, to see if he could graft an old canopy from the F onto the G - and he did (Cheers m8!) and I printed half a dozen. I'm going to paint them as 4th Squadron in winter whitewash colours from the winter of 1943.

The problem is (as explained in part 1) that these basically look like any other Luftwaffe unit. Ah well.

Stage 1 - print the models. Not a problem. I recently purchased a Saturn 2 and it happily chucked out six "Gerrish Special" 109Gs

Stage 2 paint. This is going to be interesting. Spray them white as an undercoat. I wanted to keep them a bit light here as I was hoping to get some way of dealing with the whitewash effect. Underside - blue grey from a Hataka Blue range then paint the yellow spinner and bands - three thin coats of Citadel "Flash Git" yellow to hopefully build up some depth. Canopies - my usual two tone blue, then frames in white. Then whitewash. This is the bothersome bit. I grabbed some Citadel Apothecary White Contrast paint and sort of reverse engineered the whitewash by painting it over all the various panel lines. I was very relaxed about this , allowing the contrast to spill over quite a way from the panel lines. I also used the same Contrast paint on any large areas of white to represent areas where the whitewash was fading and the base colours showing through. After a bit of practice I think this looks ok.

Last painting step will be to tidy up, panel line underneath (I hate that) and add details like exhausts.

Decals. There are no commercially available decals for the Azul (I've petitioned Blue Falcon Hobbies) but as I said by the time 4th Squadron got their Gs they're using standard Luftwaffe markings so I am using decals from the spares box - a mixture of Balkankreuz fron the Warlord generic set and spare numbers from Warlords 190A decal sheet.

White 4

4th Blue Squadron

So there we go. I'm quite interested in getting these on the table as I think the Great Dive \ Great Climb combo is a potent mix. 




Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Spanish "Azul" Squadron for Blood Red Skies - part 1 - the Cunning Plan

A little while ago I mentioned I rated the Bf109G quite highly in Blood Red Skies. .

I already have some 109Es and Fs but as yet no Gs. One of the reasons is nostalgia. In my mind if I recall the "Gustaf" there is only one thing that comes to mind, the old Airfix Series 1 kit, in blue plastic with the totally Kool under wing rockets for shooting down B17s. This is a Bf109G-6 with the traditional square canopy. I loved this as a kid so thats the 109 G I want.

The problem is, the two easily accessible Bf109G models for BRS, from Warlord and PlanePrinter are both later versions with the "Galland" hood, which improved visibility dramatically but don't look right to me, so this project got parked.

I then went to FIASCO in Leeds (a long running Wargames show in the NE England)  I should do a review of that because I think there is a post there but maybe later. Anyway when there I spotted a book on the Spanish Azul (Blue) Squadrons that operated in Russia during WW2. I had heard of the Azul Division - Spanish volunteers fighting for the Germans against the Communists,  but not the Air Force unit, so I picked it up. I was thinking - that's a "Kool" and interesting 109G unit that I could do rather than a more standard Luftwaffe one. 

So I got home and started to read it - and its a really interesting story.

Potted history -back of a postcard stuff - Spanish volunteers fighting as a unit for the Luftwaffe against the threat of world Communism. The author goes quite a way to stress the point that theyre not Fascists just anti Communist - opinions may vary on that, but............ 

Anyway they wanted to be allocated to support their compatriots in the Blue Division, but the Luftwaffe said "no", so the initial draft were allocated to fly Bf109Es as a ground attack unit, 1st Escuadrillas Azules  15 Spanische Staffel 15.(Span)/JG 27 . The pilots were not that impressed as the first draft of volunteers were pretty much all seasoned fighter pilots with experience from the Spanish Civil War.

After a tour the surviving pilots were rotated back home and were replaced with another batch of pilots designated as the 2nd Azul Squadron. These guys got their wish and had the 109Es replaced with 109Fs and they became a standard fighter Squadron, 2nd Escuadrillas Azules 15 Spanische Staffel 15.(Span)/JG 51. The pattern continued, with the 3rd Squadron replacing the 2nd and taking over their planes, remaining as part of JG51. 

Up to this point they carried standard Luftwaffe markings plus their own unit badges, however with the arrival of the 4th rotation this changed. The 4th replaced the Bf109Fs with a mix of Bf109Gs* (at last!) and Fw190A2s .  However the fly in the ointment (for me) is that at this point and going forward to the 5th Squadron, they seem to have dropped their distinctive Squadron markings from their planes so they were just the same visually as a "standard" Luftwaffe unit. 

1st Squadron Badge

2nd \ 3rd Squadron 109F with Spanish "Yolk and Arrows"

After the remnants of the Blue Division was withdrawn it was only a matter of time til the Blue Squadron followed, which happened to the 5th in 1944.

So in Blood Red Skies there are a couple of interesting options here. It's a shame the 4th Squadron dropped their Spanish markings because a mixed Squadron of Bf109Gs and FW190As would be interesting and one of the few legitimate "Mixed Bag" Doctrine card units out there, though how well they would play is open to some debate. The earlier 1st and 2nd\3rd Squadrons have their own markings which set them apart somewhat. On the other hand the I'm supposed to be looking at using the Gs (!) so I better get on.

Anyway that's the background. Actual models etc in part 2. 

* some online sources say the 2\3rd Squadron got Bf109Gs

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Double Dutch - project for 2024

I've backed a Kickstarter for the KNIL in 28mm. The company is May 1940 Miniatures who make a nice range of Dutch figures for err.... May 1940. They've decided to expand into the troops defending the Dutch East Indies and as Two Fat Lardies are promising a new book centred on the Far East for Chain of Command it seemed like a good idea. The KS wont deliver until summer 2024 so plenty of time to get the rest sorted out. I already have a Dutch force for Chain of Command from May 1940 Miniatures and theyre good quality so I think the new range will be fine. All good.

Except I also did a matching force for Blood Red Skies when I did my 1940 CoC force, so I suppose that means I should do the same for the KNIL. Problem is that means the Brewster Buffalo will be making an appearance. Sigh. Ok it doesn't "need" to be the Brewster 339. Technically the KNIL flew several interesting fighter types such as the Hawk 75 and the CW21 Demon. The former is probably too good, the latter just downright weird but quite interesting. Planeprinter does both so not actually a chore.

Hawk 75s

CW 21

Bombers are going to be easy - they use an export version of the Martin B10, ok it's not exactly a "Tier One" bomber, and it looks a bit strange, though actually by the standards of the time it's not actually bad. OK it is, but beggars cant be choosers. PlanePrinter does two versions of the B10 so it should just be a case of printing three out. 

And that should be the end of my KNIL problems............. except decals. The ongoing issues with my previous decal supplier Miscellaneous Miniatures cause a certain amount of trepidation as p&p from the States is now something in the region of $20 up from something like $5 . Luckily some generic Dutch orange triangles are available from i-94 and Pendraken stock those, so no great problem.

So there's the project - will update on how I get on as and when


Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Err OK - apologies to Warlord - sort of

A couple of months ago I had a bit of a rant about Warlord Games and the delays in releasing the Italian faction for Blood Red Skies - you can read it here

Of course as soon as I had vented my spleen they announced the actual releases, and these are now hitting the streets. I've seen the first wave, and I have to say theyre looking good.

We are getting a card expansion deck similar to those of the other nations, four Squadron sets, and Aces to match. That's not bad. The models are the iconic SM79 bomber, Macchi C200 Saetta, Macchi 202 Folgore, and Regianne 2002 Ariete. I'm also expecting a "5" Series fighter "soon".

I got to see the models at the Warlord Open Day and theyre all rather fine models - sorry I didn't get any pics but there are shots on the webs store here   

So am I going to switch to Warlord models? Err No. I've decided I need a new nationality for Blood Red Skies like a hole in the head and am going to concentrate on finishing my Luftwaffe, then RAAF then...... then I may rethink the Italians. That being said, Warlord have done us proud with these new releases, so Sorry Guys for the earlier rant.

So "arrivederci" for now   :-)

Fin(n)ishing a project - a decade late

Ten years ago, back in 2013 (I had to check) I had my first "bad" Kickstarter experience. These were the days of innocence when Kickstarter was used to fund projects not as a sort of pre order system. Baker Company (UK not US) announced their Kickstarter and wanted to raise £3000 to fund a matched pair of Winter War armies in 28mm . Sixty quid (£60) was going to get you an infantry platoon plus a shedload of stretch goals. Seemed like a good deal so I chucked some ££££ at it to get a Finnish infantry platoon.

As you can see - quite a lot of "stuff"

The problem was, so did everyone else. £57021.00 was actually pledged. Baker Company were in trouble because their Kickstarter was so popular - they had factored in about fifty orders to fulfil, and in fact ended up with 428 backers. They didn't have the capacity to do it all. The project was a disaster that killed off Baker Company. They struggled to fill those orders, missed schedules and it all went pear shaped. The original plan to ship in one lot was replaced by shipping in smaller parcels to try and give everyone something, meaning the shipping cost calculation went south. Pressure from backers "where's my stuff" etc meant they rushed the production and at least from the models I received they were wearing the moulds out and including models with terrible mould lines and miss casts that should not have made it past Quality Control. I made a decision to collect from a show - can't remember which, which turned out to be a wise decision given the whole thing collapsed, taking the company with it. I got some, or most, but not all of what I was expecting, but quite a lot of is was so badly cast as to be almost unusable. Many backers didn't even get that. With hindsight I don't blame the creator, or rather I don't think for one moment this was deliberate, just a guy with what looked like a good idea getting overwhelmed and not being able to deliver.  

As I said, quite a lot of the "stuff" I got was not great. The figures were ok when cast reasonably, detail was "soft" but shrug, snowsuits. There was way too much flash on some and some mould slipping. This was particularly the case with the metal parts on vehicles. The Field Kitchen was the worse, but quite a lot of infantry was "not great" . I marked this up as a "lesson learned". I painted up a dozen or so but the whole project was tainted for me and I stuck it in a drawer. 

To be fair some of the bigger models did look the business - this is the Aerosan. It was a bit of a pain to assemble, and I think I got two left skis which didn't help, but like I said, I think it looks good. 

On and off I added some extra bits - a T34 from Warlord with a turret swap option, and a StuGIIIG from Rubicon. I posted my progress on the StuG 


and here 

and here

Ten years later and I was surfing the web and found Parkfield Miniatures Winter War range. These looked suspiciously familiar and at first I though this was Baker Company reborn (apparently it's not). The Winter War range was however clearly designed (or coincidentally) to match the Baker Co models. I banged a test order in and was happy with the resulting figures. They're well cast, detailed and animated, and match my old Baker Co figures (almost) perfectly.

All Baker Co

Baker, Baker, Parkfield, Parkfield

P- B

P - P - B

So that's why I'm currently up to my eyeballs in white paint and am studying Chain of Command lists. Between the better Baker Co figures and Parkfield I think I can get a good CoC force out of it. If I finally get to play with them this could possibly be the longest \ most drawn out wargaming project from start to table I have ever done. 



Thursday, 17 August 2023

Blood Red Skies list building - what makes a "Tier One" plane choice?

I love list building for games. It is a weakness of personality I know, but there it is. 

Blood Red Skies is a fantastic sandbox for list builders like me. The standard 500 point Squadron size is almost a perfect challenge. That will get you six planes like a Spitfire II or Bf109E with a reasonable mix of pilot skills.  The reason for this is the base points calculation for a plane in BRS is simple - Agility plus Firepower multiplied by Speed. You then factor in any special Traits, but the basics are there. A Spitfire Mk II for instance is 31 points - Speed 8, Ag 2, FP1 plus 3 pts for the Tight Turn trait. Six of those is 186 points leaving some scope for a reasonable mix of pilots. Pilots cost 25 points at Level 2 (Rookie) and go up in 25 point increments to Level 5 (Ace). So far so good. If however you want a better plane it rapidly becomes obvious that something has to give - you either get fewer planes or poorer pilot quality, and both those options have some serious drawbacks in Blood Red Skies.

Fewer planes means you have less capacity to absorb boom chits and losses, and fewer outmanoeuvre attempts and shooting opportunities.

Worse pilots will mean you will be at a disadvantage when outmanoeuvring and in initiative. Additionally each level of Pilot Skill is a die rolled in a shooting attack or dodge attempt. The difference of a single die can be quite important.

Also a bit of spare "change" in points can be used to get some equipment - not usually something to build a list around, but nice enhancements nonetheless.

So what makes a good plane for Blood Red Skies lists?

For me, it is balance. I like a plane with a reasonable balance of Speed, Firepower and Agility. I think Speed 8, Agility 2, Firepower 2 is the sweet spot. Before Traits that is 32 points. 

Let's take a look at the runners and riders that fit the bill.

Starting with the Germans, we have the Bf109G. These come in at 36 pts due to their Great Dive \ Great Climb Traits. The Gustav is a very solid performer and the Traits give you access to some really interesting Doctrine cards such as High Altitude Performance, Dive Away or Slashing Attack. This is a plane for an player who likes to keep his Advantage and dictate when and where the fight happens. In the hands of a good player this is a monster to play against.

The British have the Mustang 1a, which is worth a look if you fancy something with Great Dive - a rare Trait for the RAF. It also has Heavy Hitter (quad 20mm cannons) and "benefits" from a discount because it has the Poor Quality trait so is only 36 points.

Before I go any further I should explain Poor Quality. This is a Negative Trait that impacts your starting Advantage level. In some scenarios this can be fatal, but most scenarios the initial debuff will have been fixed before you get too close to your opponent. I think it is a great option.

The other RAF contender, and it is quite possibly THE contender, is the Spitfire MkIX. For 37 points you get Great Climb and Tight Turn, possibly the best combination of Traits for a dogfighter in the game. The Mk IX can compete both in turning fights and in energy fights.

Over "The Pond" our next entry is the P38J - but only if you are using the optional "treat as single engine" rule - check with your Tournament Organiser. The Lightning has Great Climb and Deep Pockets. It's not a "meta" choice of traits and at 39 points its starting to be expensive, but it certainly can work and Deep Pockets gives you some very interesting options to outlast opponents. Without the "single engine" all the P38s are just too expensive to run with in tournaments.

The P38L is also a possibility - faster than the J but still Speed 8, and with Rapid Roll rather than Great Climb. This is down to preference and playstyle.

Switching to the Pacific we get the Hellcat. This is a brawler, with Rapid Roll and Robust, the only issue I see is the speed is on the low side of Speed 8 (380mph) so may lose initiative to some other planes listed here. On the plus side Robust is a very useful trait which strips your opponent of one Firepower die. I think the Hellcat is possibly the best all rounder on this list.

Next the F4U-1 Corsair. This has Great Dive and Robust and is probably one I will be looking at closely as Great Dive on a Speed 8 plane gives you a lot of "threat range" and also with the right Doctrine allows you to get in, or out of a fight mostly at your choosing. It is slow however, or rather at 388mph is slower than...........

The F4U1-D Everything the F4U-1 does but faster (within Speed 8). The down side is 40 points so there is no way you are getting six of these with reasonable pilots.

Passing mention to the F4U-1C which drops Great Dive for Heavy Hitter - I don't think this works and at 42 points it is starting to look too expensive. It's a great Fighter Bomber but not so good as a pure fighter.

On the opposite side the Imperial Japanese Navy get the J2M Raiden. Great Climb and Heavy Hitter plus the Poor Quality "discount" make for a potent package at only 36 points.

The Japanese Army also get in on the game with the Ki-61-II. The Tony in BRS is pretty much a cookie cutter Bf109G. It would be my choice for a Japanese fighter if only for.........

The Ki-84 Hayate. Great Climb, Tight Turn and Poor Quality - this is basically a Spitfire MkIX but with a marginal speed advantage and cheaper due to Poor Quality. Only 34 points if you like a turning fighter this has to be looked at.

The Soviets have a couple of possible contenders. 

The La5FN is a single trait (Rapid Roll) entry with Poor Quality - meaning it costs only 31 points (!) making it the cheapest plane on this list. Unlike many of the others you can actually take six and not have to drop Pilot Quality. Being a single Trait plane however has drawbacks in that there are a limited number of Doctrines that fit Rapid Roll. It's big brother the La7 gets Great Climb to add to Rapid Roll and is only 33 points, which certainly puts it into the top tier on this list.

The last Soviet is the Yak 9U. Again like the Spit IX and Ki84 this has the Tight Turn \ Great Climb combo, and you get it for 37 points.

Last on our lists are a pair of Italian "5" series fighters, the Macchi C205 Veltro and the Fiat G55 Centauro. The G55 is the better of the two in my view, another Great Climb \ Tight Turn entry at 37 points. The C205 like the La5FN has a single positive Trait, in this case Tight Turn, and Poor Quality and as a result is the second cheapest on this list at 32 points. It makes it a "one trick pony" turn fighter, but it is a very good trick!

So which is "The Best"? The answer has to be, "It Depends".

It depends on your play style and how you tie in your Traits and Doctrines. If you like a turning fight then you will really find it difficult to find a better choice than a Macchi C205. Are you a pure "Energy Fighter"? The 109G or Ki 61 could be for you. If you prefer a mix of both the Spitfire IX, G55 or Yak9 are all good choices. Fancy hitting like a train then diving away? Corsair is your baby. What about if you like a bit of staying power or all round versatility, the Hellcat is probably best for you.

In truth all the fighters on this list are tournament "Tier One" and all have their strengths (and weaknesses). I'd be very careful if I ran into any of them across a table. 

So what do you think? Is 8-2-2 the place to be or do you think you can do better with something slower, or prefer something harder hitting? 

Let me know in the comments    

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Tiny Wargames game mat? - Darwin Harbour on a budget? Do you trust online reviews ? I need a better title!

G3M "Nell" bombers down under*

I've been running some Blood Red Skies events locally. Theyre going well, however I have a problem - game mats. I have a couple of neoprene mats from Deep Cut Studios. These are pretty much the gold standard in gaming mats however there are issues, namely cost and weight.  

Cost - they're not cheap - as a back of an envelope calculation a 6x4 Deep Cut Neoprene mat is about £70-£80 plus you need a carrying case and by the time you factor in postage you don't get much change from a ton. Ok this may seem a lot but you are paying for the quality, and you see it in the product. I would have no hesitation recommending Deepcut mats to individual players - if you can afford it, go for it.

The problem is, if you are an organiser and want to run six tables worth of Blood Red Skies, you need (or would like ) six mats. I've gotten by so far by using what I have, and asking participants to bring theirs if they have them - and it has worked, but there are several problems with that including who is responsible should something untoward happen. 

The other problem is weight - and it's a big one. Carrying one mat in a tube \ case is ok. Theyre not that heavy, but can be noticeable. Adding a second and then carrying your box of rules and models quickly becomes a problem.

So I am looking for a solution. Needs to be cheap, portable and lightweight. Step forward Tiny Wargames and their "Cloth lite" range. 

Cards on the table I had heard some bad things about Tiny Wargames. Online comments and complaints about slow service, excuses for non delivery, poor customer service etc. A quick search suggested some customers were unhappy with them, but on the other hand there are some very positive reviews and the price seemed good at £30 so before my last event I ordered one. The mat in question was an aerial view of Darwin Harbour which was interesting because I was \ am planning to play some games based on the Japanese attacks there at some time. The stated delivery date would get it to me with a few days to spare. 

It didn't all

So I contacted them and they said it had been returned by the courier as "too large" which sounded weird. Anyway they agreed to dispatch again that day, but then waited three days (ok it was a weekend but at this point as far as I am concerned these are snake oil salesmen so...). This seemed to confirm my worse suspicions and sounded horribly like some of the complaints I had heard - bad service and strange excuses. 

The mat finally arrived a month after the original order date. It was packaged well in a sturdy box. When I opened it I discovered the mat had a hex overlay which was not mentioned on the sale site (Etsy). I contacted them and they said they only had that map with hexes - err not according to your own website! 

And at this point I was pretty much ready to do the whole online rant thing - I'm not an influencer, about a dozen people read my blog on a good day, but damn they were going to get both barrels before I demanded a refund! 

Thing is, I had a look at the mat again. OK yes there are hexes, which initially boiled my blood, but actually they're very subdued, and they sort of merged into the background when the mat was in use. Err, ok, not perfect, but not as much a problem as I first envisioned. 

The printing is err - well, good. The image is crisp and colours are vivid. I think it looks rather good.

The "Cloth Lite" material isn't cloth as I would describe it - it's a very thin plastic (Nylon?)  material that feels a bit strange. Sort of like a thin shower curtain but not PVC. It arrived creased from transport but a small note included said this can be ironed out with a warm (not hot!) iron on the reverse of the mat, and I can report that on the whole it does. In use it looks like the material is ok. Clearly it will cut easily with any sort of blade, but I don't think it will actually tear in normal use without you deliberately trying to do it. 

I was predisposed to dislike this but I have to admit the mat is not bad at all.

And it weighs almost nothing. It also seems to be very easy to transport. In a bit of a mood and determined to "stress test" the damned thing I actually just roughly folded \ rolled it and chucked it in the car passenger seat, and when I got home it laid flat and was no worse for wear.

Aggressive stress testing

Err I think I like it. I'm tempted to buy a couple more for when I'm running events. Thing is, should I risk it with the issues with the seller, and are these issues real or just bad luck? You can get a bad review for almost no reason nowadays, and couriers are not always great. Then again the theme running through the bad reviews was pretty similar - delays and excuses for delays. As a small business owner myself I can understand why it is tempting to overpromise (if that is what is causing the complaints) and be defensive when criticised, and at the end of the day, the mat certainly ticks pretty much all the boxes as a product.

I drink in a very niche pub called The Rat Race Ale House (which anyone visiting Hartlepool should drop by). The owner \ publican (Hi Pete) is possibly one of the rudest men you will ever meet IF you ask him the wrong question, such as "do you sell lager? or "I don't want a drink but can I use your toilet?". How he ended up in the "hospitality" business is a mystery as he openly admits to not liking people very much.  The thing is, he invariably sells excellent beer. In thirteen years (something like that) of using his services I've never had a complaint about the beer. If you look up the reviews you will see the majority of the reviews are 4 and 5 stars but some 1 star reviews, and the 1 stars are always the same - check it out for yourself here if only for a laugh Trip Advisor . I still go back because the product (beer) is what I'm there for - and to be honest the great atmosphere and occasional pantomime when some unwary soul wanders in looking for lager or to use the toilet. 

note the "No Lager" sign

So yes I think I will roll the dice and order again - not the same one, but another suitable for BRS. I'll risk the delay and other issues because the end product is (I hope) worth the hassle. I'll let you know how it goes. And if Tiny Wargames want to sponsor my next that would be most welcome :-)


* Models 3d prints from Planeprinter painted by the redoubtable Andy Parkes. Andy does a really crisp paint job and on occasion can be tempted to paint on commission - message me for details 

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Summer Scramble 23 - The other side of the hill or "What would I do if I were a German*?"

Looking forward to Summer Scramble 23

If we end up with odd numbers of players I may have to play as an Axis player so I thought I would give my thoughts and look at list options should that situation arise.

It's going to be hard not to look at the Bf109E. 

Warlords infamous Bf109E models. These were the first BRS models I painted.

Of all the fighters available in 1939-40 this is for me is the apex predator. Speed 7, Ag 3, FP 1 Great Climb, Great Dive for 32 points (amended for Wing Commander due to the new Great Dive rule). Only a Spitfire will be marginally faster so I will mostly have the initiative on ties. I can get a six planes and 18 Pilot Skill levels at 500 points. I'd probably go PS 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, and lead with the Ace. I'm going to be vulnerable to better pilots in cheaper planes outmanoeuvring me (like the PZL 11 I mentioned in earlier posts) but being faster I should get to choose when the fight happens, and even without diving I can use my speed to try to get out of gun range. FP 1 isn't great, particularly on the PS 2 planes, but they will mostly act as wingmen and only shoot at targets of opportunity. Like the real Luftwaffe the Schwarm and Rotte fuhrer will be the ones making the main plays unless it all goes pear shaped.  Against Robust opponents like Hurricanes, Ms406s and Hawk 75s the lack of FP is going to be a problem but something has to give.

As an aside I think it is safe to say the Warlord 109E model has issues. It paints up well enough but you can tell it was from the first release wave. There are problems with the overall shape, particularly the front, and the panel lines on the wings look like they're from a much later version like a K. Actually the Warlord 109E front end looks rather like the earlier D version come to think about it so it can easily be proxied for those if you squint. Lastly the soft plastic is prone to a bit of bending. Hopefully this is getting remastered "soon". 

Another option would be to take the Bf110 Zerstorer. In BRS the 110C is a bit underwhelming. Speed 7, FP 2 but only Ag 1. I's also bloody expensive at 39 points each using the Heavy Fighter rule. On the other hand it is FP2 and has the Heavy Hitter Trait so an average pilot will be will be attacking at 6 dice and any hits will be classed as critical hits, and Great Dive does mean it can get in and out like the 109E. If I can initiate the engagement and blow through the opposition (literally) they may just work. Dropping to say five planes may help keep pilot quality reasonable. Hmm. btw the advantages and disadvantages of using Heavy Fighter is discussed quite a bit in one of the recent Lead Pursuit Podcast episodes and is worth a listen if you are interested in list building and the view from the States  

Bf110Cs from Armaments in Miniature
Since I went out of my way to point out the issues with the Warlord 109E I should redress this by saying the Warlord 110 is a beautiful model, possibly the best in the range. Theyre well proportioned, detailed  and hard plastic. The only reason I don't have any painted yet is I had bought them from AIM before Warlord had even suggested they were releasing them. 

I suppose I could go Bargain Basement and use the Bf109D. This is slower and less Agile than the Emil and lacks Great Climb, but it is MUCH cheaper at 20 points each. I could build either a Swarm or Outmanoeuvre list with that, but I'm not sure.

Lastly I could go Italian. That would mean either a biplane like a Cr42 or an early FIAT or Macchi. None of these ideas appeal. They're cheap but are slower than their German counterparts and are turn fighters, which as I mentioned in another post just isn't my style.  Also I would have to get a squadron ready from scratch in a week which I don't fancy as I have no Italians yet.

* technically my paternal Great Grandfather WAS a German, but he vanished in undisclosed circumstances in 1914, about the same time the High Seas Fleet arrived and blew a significant part of my home town of Hartlepool into rubble. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.


Friday, 16 June 2023

Summer Scramble 2023 - List building and Cunning Plans

Card thanks to the talented Martin Wilson (Fine Chap!)

With Summer Scramble 23 only a week away and I have eight PZL P11c fighters ready. At the moment however we have an odd number of players so as the organiser \ sub I may not actually get a game. Additionally with a dozen players confirmed it is likely I'll be busy doing Organiser stuff, but if I do get a game, how do I plan to use them?


Rewind a bit, and let's look at what we will be up against. Summer Scramble 23 is not an open tournament, rather it is a themed event with some restrictions as to what will be fighting what. In this case it will always be Axis v Allies in Europe from the start of WW2 to the Fall of France. That means what you are going to run up against is reasonably predictable - at least as far as the planes are concerned. The Axis players will probably be using Bf109Es, Bf110Cs or something Italian. Of these, the 109 is frankly terrifying because it's fast, can climb like a bat out of hell and dive like an avenging angel with it's pockets full of building bricks. The 110 is also fast, also has Great Dive, and will chew up targets with those FP2 cannons. Luckily the 110 manoeuvres like it dives, like a brick. Against some of the second line opposition old Herman's wet dream "Destroyer" could actually work for once. On the other hand they're both expensive and less manoeuvrable than me. Thankfully none of them have Robust, which I suspect would be a real headache to play against with low FP planes like the P11c. 

So that's the likely opposition, now back to the plucky Poles. 

The firstly they're cheap! At only 20 points a plane I can get the maximum eight allowed for 160 points, leaving enough points for 21 pilot skill (PS) levels. This is important against those 109s who will be something like 18 PS between six planes. (I always think in skill levels when building a list - basically divide the points you have by 25 then add the number of planes to get the number of skill levels, its just easier for me) 

Sadly, theyre SLOW - at Speed 5 slower than all the German fighters, even the bargain basement variant Bf109D. They also have the "Poor Quality" (PQ) Trait. This isn't so much to do with build quality, more lack of what we would come to accept as normal equipment - radios etc. The first scenario is going to be Fighter Sweep and will involve a roll to determine starting Advantage and PQ will impose a minus on the deployment die, which could be "unfortunate". 

The second mission is Surprise Attack -  an Axis attack on an airfield and that could include HE111s, which do have Robust, making taking them down a bit of a challenge with only FP1, but there's not a lot I can do about that and at least I can probably catch them when theyre laden with bombs which is going to be a real problem if chasing Ju88s!

Mission 3 is a straight Dogfight btw

I'll need an Ace I think. Aces are important as they can act as a sponge for enemy outmanoeuvre attempts in the merge, protecting the rest of the Squadron. That's five PS, leaving 16 split between seven planes. That's a bit of an issue as I'll end up with a "horde list" of five Rookie PS2 Pilots and a pair of Average PS3s plus an Ace. I really don't like that. Horde lists are ok but if you play BRS a while you will know that a rookie in an FP1 plane like a PZL 11 isn't going to hit much, and while the high Agility of the PZL will give them 5 dodge dice, it's still not great. Of course you do have a larger pool of "Boom Markers" to burn through, and you can choose a Doctrine that will help, Defensive Tactics springs to mind, which will allow you to turn any shot into a deflection shot, improving the chance of a dodge dramatically. I'll think about that.

The other option is to reduce the number of planes. I can take a standard six plane Squadron for 120 points. This still only gets me 21 Pilot Skill levels, but they're spread over fewer pilots. I can get an Ace, and maybe a PS4 and four PS3s, or maybe drop one of the 3s to a Rookie and get two PS4s. That extra dice makes quite a difference when trying to hit a target and will make outmanoeuvring an option, which means if everything is equal the Poles are going to be successfully automatically outmanoeuvring at least two or three 109s a turn.  Doctrine could be Defensive Tactics, or Aggressive Tactics, which given the reputation the Poles gained in RAF service may well be appropriate and meshes well with our Tight Turn trait.

Both options assume an Ace. As I mentioned if I'm taking an unnamed Ace he's there to act as a shield for enemy outmanoeuvre attempts in the merge or to OM enemies if the chance arises, or to buff other guys, not to do the killing himself. I'd not bother with stuff that makes him a better shooter or harder to kill as he is already on six attack and eight dodge dice. That suggests something like "Mother Hen", or more likely "Set Them Up".  I may have to think about it.

So there it is. Option 1 a Swarm list, option 2 an Outmanoeuvre list. Both could work. The problem I'm seeing is that these guys just are not my style. I don't like slow turn fighters very much. Actually I don't like turn fighters that much at all - even Spitfires only interest me when the Mk IX comes along with Great Climb.  I'm an energy fighter at heart and like to have the speed to get into position and get out of trouble, and sadly these guys just don't have it. 

What do you think? I'd appreciate comments and critiques



Thursday, 15 June 2023

3 Week Painting Challenge - day 10 - Decals and done

And done - ok no pilots, but good enough

My first post on this subject mentioned how the Poles had done some thinking when designing the Pzl P11c. This extended beyond the basics of design to the markings. At some point (shortly after having a giggle that the Brits and French actually painted bullseye style shooting targets on their planes) someone sat down and did some thinking about markings. Symmetrical markings, they reasoned, made it easier for opposition shooters to estimate the range and deflection, so why make it easy?

They came up with an idea to have the national markings placed at different parts of the wing, so outboard on the port wing but inboard on the starboard. A picture paints a thousand words apparently so here is a picture of what they did.

Which I think you will agree looks strange

I don't know how much this worked but you have to say there is evidence they were thinking out of the box! Personally I think it looks bloody odd.

I couldn't get any Squadron specific decals as originally planned - the Great Decal Drought of 2023 etc, but the i-94 ones I got from Pendraken are more than good enough. The individual numbers were a bit of an issue - I had some spare numbers from a Soviet set but had to carefully slice them down as these Sovs were using 2 digit numbers such as 01, 02, 03 etc however the Poles did not. They will do. 

So all that is left to do is the pilots. I think I may just not bother as it is a lot of faff and I don't think it will make much difference.

This has been quite an interesting project, but ironically I'm not sure I will use them at Summer Scramble this year. Partly because at the moment we have an odd number of players and I'm acting as sub so will need to drop out of gaming, and partly because I'm not sure, plucky though they undoubtedly are, these guys fit my play style. Will know in ten days I suppose, til then,