Wednesday 18 December 2019

Ancient Macedonian attrition - a thesis

Every other morning or so I have come down stairs to find a 28mm Macedonian phanangite pikeman on the floor. Sometimes by "find" I mean "stand on".

The Macedonians in question are part of an army in progress - I was bought a Warlord Games Successor Army pack for Christmas a year or two ago and having failed to paint it passed it to a friend (Fred) who did a reasonable job with the brush at a very reasonable rate. The models are now languishing in the loft in open boxes waiting to be based.

However some have started to appear in strange places, mostly on the stairs. After thorough investigation I have discovered the culprit - it is my four year old cat Poppy. Poppy is usually very gentle and we have had her since she was a kitten at the local kitten rescue centre. It appears every night she sneaks up to the loft, selects a pikeman from the open box, and carries him downstairs in her mouth to be left as a gift for me in the morning. I've had this sort of behaviour from other cats, but it usually involved small mice or voles taken from the fields rather than my Successor Infantry.

To be honest at the moment this isn't an issue. I do have several spare pikemen and most of the casualties will be repairable, but I couldn't work out why she was doing this. Then, this morning as I was tidying the latest casualty up, it came to me. Poppy must have some Persian heritage!

Problem solved! now all I need is a lid to go on the box to stop her whittling down the numbers of the hated Greeks :-)

However, I may have a bigger problem. This is Lili. Lili is now two years old and was adopted from a Polish lady after her cat had a litter and could not look after them all, which technically may mean she is Polish  - this may not bode well for my plans for a Blitzkrieg German Army for Chain of Command :0) 



  1. My French cat Lola had a penchant for chewing my 6mm ECW Parliamentary cavalry bases. After a couple of them suffered the same fate I was forced to conclude she harbored Royalist sympathies!

  2. I think Lill has sufficient anti-armour capabilities to put a dent in that 222 of yours ;)
