I only had access to UK based companies, so covered Sally 4th , Blotz , and Eleven Tree Designs . In passing I was talking to Leon from Minibits who sell Impudent Mortal 28mm mdf buildings imported from the USA. IM make 10mm buildings suitable for DZC too link, so I asked if he planned to stock them. He wasn't certain, but said he would get a couple for me to review next time they were placing an order.
I had pretty much forgot about this until a parcel arrived yesterday - Leon was as always good to his word (sound chap) and sent two model buildings for review.
Interestingly these were already detached from the sprue similar to those from ETD. They were shrink wrapped to keep everything together, which seems to add some protection although there were no fragile parts to break. Components are clean and accurately cut and details are finely etched. There are no instructions but as they are simple designs this isn't an issue. IM dont try to add layers or external details unlike the other three manufacturers already looked at, which makes them easy to build but a little plain.
First up is the Level 3 Futuristic Ruined building.
Next the Level 4 Modern building.
A much larger 4x3 footprint made up of 15 parts, however 10 of these are the two rooftop extensions. Assembly was simple and quick, and the end result quite nice. The round windows make an interesting change to the Art Deco theme. There is a problem with the doors, which are etched details, but they don't seem very visible and may need a bit of work when painting, or better yet adding something to give them relief.
Overall these are very nice additions to your tabletop. I suspect they would be greatly improved if there was some raised detailing - even a doorway. I can't comment on the price as yet, but as soon as I know I will post it up. (edit - Leon says due to shipping from the States etc the price would probably be a straight $=£ swap, so the ruin would be £15, the larger building £20. Thats probably cheaper than buying them direct and paying postage and import tax, but still makes them just a bit too much for what you are getting IMHO) Nice buildings but shipping makes them expensive.
(edit again) "Fantasy \ Sci Fi Tax" seems to be evident with the IM pricing if you compare the $20 price tag for this 10mm building with the same $20 you pay for the stunningly detailed IM 28mm Brick buildings which are much better value. Of course I am totally ignorant of the factors that contribute to that price, and it may be justified, but at first glance it does seem either the 10mm sci fi is comparatively very expensive, or the 28mm historical is very good value.